Texas Responsible Serving® of Alcohol


Bartender Mixology

Texas Bartender Mixology Information

- Meet people
     - Have fun
          - Make money

The Bartender Mixology course will teach you the art of mixology and how to be a professional bartender.  This course is designed to allow you to increase your bartender mixology knowledge through easy-to-master lessons on alcohol, wine, customer service, and more.  You will learn specific and detailed information about a variety of liquors and drinks that are served in today's bars and restaurants.  Graduating from this course is comparable to having an entire year of experience behind the bar! 

The interactive course generally takes about 40 hours to complete; it features text, audio, videos, flashcards for memorization, and practice quizzes as you go through each lesson of the course.  At the end of the course, there is a final exam that you take online.  Once you pass the final exam, you are considered certified and are able to print your certificate instantly.  (Or we can send it to you in the mail.)

Bartending Class Lessons:
  • Introduction to the Bar Area
  • Cream Drinks
  • Mixers and Garnish
  • Two Liquor Drinks
  • Sweet and Sour Drinks
  • Martinis, Manhattans, and Cosmopolitans
  • Highballs and Juice Drinks
  • Exotic or Poolside Drinks
  • Wine Drinks
  • Hot Drinks
  • Shooters, Layered and Flaming Drinks
  • Cash Registers
  • Customer Service
  • Finding Employment as a Bartender
Want to improve your bartending skills even more? Upgrade to the Master Bartender Package! The Master Bartender course package not only gives you greater depth of training in serving alcohol and providing customer service, but also breadth of training in licensing courses: Wine Knowledge, Liquor Knowledge, Food Safety for Handlers, Waiter/Waitress, and more.  Become a Master Bartender and receive your Master Bartender Card - Master Bartender graduates have bartending experience similar to two years' experience in a high-end bar!

Bonus: We also give you a letter of recommendation and a sample bartender resume once you have passed the course!

Take the course and become a professional bartender today!

Click the add to cart button below and proceed to the checkout to get signed up. You will be emailed a username/password to login and begin.

Bartender Mixology $49.95

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